Some Wonderful Facts About The Easter Island


Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is one of the most isolated inhabited islands on Earth, lying over 2,000 miles off the Chilean coast.

It’s famous for around 900 large moai statues, carved by ancient inhabitants. Settled by Polynesians around 1200 AD, these statues were transported without modern means.

The island also hosted the Birdman Cult, where participants vied to retrieve the first egg of the season. Sadly, the island faced severe deforestation due to the overuse of resources, leading to population decline due to environmental damage, European diseases, and slavery.

In 1995, the Rapa Nui was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering 40% of the island, which features a triangular shape formed by three extinct volcanoes.

Despite its small size and remote location, Easter Island’s rich cultural legacy continues to intrigue people worldwide.

Is there a particular aspect of Easter Island that interests you the most?

Source: SomeWonderfulFacts.Com



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