Some Wonderful Facts About The Great Marco Polo


The biography of Marco Polo tells the story of one of the most famous explorers of all time. Leaving Venice with his father and uncle, he spent 24 years going all the way to China. His life story involves working for the great Kublai Khan personally, surviving perilous journeys, and eventually writing one of the greatest travelogues ever.

Here are Some Wonderful Facts about the great Marco Polo and his famous journey.

1. His Exact Birthplace and Birthdate Are Unknown.
2. Marco Met His Father at the age of 15.
3. He had a sheep named after him in Afghanistan.
4. He Spent 17 Years in China.
5. Marco Went to War and Was Captured. While in Prison, he Dictated the Book of His Travels which was a huge success and profoundly influenced future explorers.
6. Marco Polo Had Nothing to Do with Pasta Coming to Italy.

Source: SomeWonderfulFacts.Com


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